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Section 504

Ellis B. Hyde complies with the policies outlined in the Act below and is a general education support. The 504 Coordinator at EBH is Gayle Pavone, Principal.

A 504 Plan is a document that can provide various supports for students that can ensure their success. Supports can include extended time on tests, organizational strategies, occupational therapy, speech language therapy, counseling, etc.

When a 504 Plan is being considered a team from the school which includes the family will discuss the student’s progress and needs and determine what supports would be appropriate.

If you have any questions about a 504 Plan and how it could benefit your child, please contact Ms. Pavone at the information below.

Here is more information on the Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act Of 1973.

Contact Information

Gayle Pavone, 504 Coordinator and Principal
(585) 335-4030 ext. 3002

Kristina Kysor, Secretary
(585) 335-4030 ext. 3002