EBH Nurses Office
Mrs. Rittenhouse has been a part of EBH since 2009. She is a valuable resource for students and faculty/staff for health, safety and wellness matters. Her office provides support for injured and ill students and serves as a connection with families when students have specific medical needs. Mrs. Rittenhouse is also the contact person for reporting absences of students and for any questions regarding required physicals, vaccinations, screenings, etc. Please refer to the documents included below to answer questions that you may have.
Tips on when to keep your child home from school: If your child complains of not feeling well but has no definitive symptoms of illness they can likely attend school. If your child continues to not feel well the school nurse will call you and it can be determined if the student should be released home for the day. Fever: If your child has a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater they need to stay home.
Fever is a physiological response and typically is indicative your body is fighting an infection. Your child needs to stay home until they have been fever free for more than 24 hours without fever reducing medication. We encourage you to follow up with your child’s primary care physician if fever lasts more than 2-3 days.
Rashes: Any rash associated with the following symptoms should be evaluated by your child’s physician: trouble breathing, trouble swallowing, fever or ill appearance. Rashes can be contagious so we ask for you to use your best judgement on if your child should be evaluated at their doctor’s or sent to school.
Cough: Coughing alone would not prevent them from coming to school, however a cough that is harsh, constant, productive, interfering with their sleep or with physical activity your child should be kept home and evaluated by their physician. If your child’s cough lasts for 7-10 days this also would be encouraged to be evaluated by their physician.
Diarrhea: If your child is not exhibiting any symptoms of illness and feels up to coming to school then that is OK, however if it is frequent, diarrhea with blood associated with it, has abdominal pain or cramping, or has a fever accompanied with it a doctor’s visit may be warranted and staying home until the student tis feeling better would be best.
Vomiting: A child who is vomiting needs to stay home from school. They may return once the vomiting has stopped and they are tolerating their normal diet.
Sore throat: A child may attend school with a minor sore throat, however any sore throat accompanied with fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, or difficulty swallowing should be evaluated by their physician.
Head Lice: If your child has been sent home for live lice we require your child to stay home and be treated. Once they have no live lice they will be able to return to school, but will be required to be checked by the school nurse upon returning to school.
Many illnesses can spread quickly, so the best way to decrease the spread of illnesses is by reminding children to be proactive and practice good handwashing technique, proper respiratory etiquette with coughing, sneezing, or blowing their noses. It is virtually impossible to decrease all sickness but using the above as a guideline it is our hope to keep our students and staff as healthy as possible! ~
As always if you have any questions or concerns with your child’s health please feel free to contact me anytime. Mrs. Rittenhouse, EBH School Nurse