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School Counseling Department Mission Statement: The Dansville PK-12 School Counselors collaborate with educators, parents, and community members to support and encourage all students to exemplify the drive, capability and compassion to achieve their full academic, career, social and emotional potential.  


The EBH Counseling Department includes our school counselor, school social worker, and school psychologist.  We are here to support your child while at school!  Find out more about us on the Contact Us page.

Not sure who to call?  Check the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Check out the Resources page if you are looking for a list of area Mental Health counselors or other resources to support your family.

Want to know more about Dansville’s Counseling Curriculum?  Look at the Social and Emotional page or Components of the District K-12 Counseling Plan.

And don't forget to follow the "EBH Therapy Dogs!!" FB page, and our Therapy Dogs Webpage

NEW: Is your child worried about returning to school? Here are some suggestions from a great parent resource called

IMPORTANT: We can respond to phone calls, voicemails, and emails during school hours (7:40 am-3:20 pm M-Th, 7:30 am-2:30 pm on Fridays).  However, if you need emergency assistance for your child outside of those hours, call 911.